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Stenner RESAW VHL 48

Malax, Finland


Stenner RESAW VHL 48  

manufacture Stenner UK

S/N J2103

year 1970

(original photos coming soon )

Principal Dimensions and data:

Diameter of saw pulleys: 48"= 1220mm

Width of saw pulley face-standard 5" (127mm )

Width of saw pulley face-optional 5 1/2" (140mm )

Maximum width of saw-standard 5 1/2" (140mm )

Maximum width of saw-optional 6" (150mm)A

Minimurn length of saw 25" 8" (782mm)

Maximum height of top saw guide above table 28" (710mm)

Table height from floor level 31 1/2" ( 800mm 9

Overall height from floor level 9,1" ( 2770mm )

Overall width 8,1" ( 2460mm )

Speed of saw pulleys,r.p.m. 8,000( 2440m/min )

Horse-power range 30 kW

Size of fast and loose pulleys 20"x6 1/2"

Feed speeds, standard; f.p.m. or m/min. 0-140 (0-42,6m)

Shipping Specification : Standard Machine :

Nett weight, lbs. 3583 Kg

The VHL 48 is a band resaw of advanced design embodying many new features

resulting from a close study of user-operator requirements, and the necessity

to provide fast and accurate sawing coupled with ease of operation, reduced

operator-fatigue, low maintenance, and increased safety. The design caters

fully for these essential factors which contribute to a markedly high level of

operating efficiency.

The machine is primarily designed for the planing mill and joinery shops.

lt is also particularly useful in sawmills for splitting squares and deals into

furniture sizes, and will resaw any four-sided timber within its large capacity

quickly and accurately. The thin bandsaw gives the machine a high timber-

recovery rate; the loss due to saw kerf being very low. Compared with a

circular radial-arm resaw, the VHL is faster, less wasteful, and uses less power

for a given class of work


The VHL is made only as, a left-hand machine, i.e. the saw pulleys run in an

anti-clockwise direction when looking in the direction of the feed.

The drive is normally arranged to give a saw-speed of 8,000 feet per

min . (2440m l/min.)

Main Drive

The main drive is applied to the bottom saw pulley spindle which is prepared

for vee belt, flat belt, or flat belt fast and loose pulleys to suit the proposed driving unit.

Complete electric motor drives, up to 40 H. P. and for most current supplies

can be provided; they include two vee pulleys, set of vee belts, belt guard,

motor with slide rails, starter and a master stop-button which is fitted to

the machine base close to the sawyer's position.

horizontal Rollers

The horizontal rollers are 6" (152mm) diameter and extend the full opening

on the fence side and 6" (152mm) beyond the table on the open side;

they are normally free-running idle rollers. They can be supplied hydraulically driven as optional equipment,

either with the machine or after installation; the rollers are then driven

in synchronism with the main feed rolls, by a separate motor. The drive is

arranged so that the open-side roller at the outfeed end rotates in the

reverse direction to facilitate the return of timber to the sawyer. The roller in

front of the saw is moveable sideways to permit rapid saw changing.

Machine Base and Column

The machine base is a substantial, all steel welded fabrication providing

rigid support for the top and bottom saw pulley units, the radial arm feed-

works, the in- and outfeed horizontal rollers, the table and the fence.

The column has two slideways for the top saw pulley rise and fall.

Saw and Saw Pulley Cleaning

The saw is cleaned on both sides by felt pads lubricated from an oil reservoir

with a controlled drip feed; the wings of the cleaner are lightly spring-loaded

and both wings open for saw changing, The saw pulleys are cleaned by

scrapers and oiled pads.

Saw Pulleys

The solid, plate type saw pulleys are Meehanite castings machined all over,

and balanced; the bottom pulley being the heavier to prevent overrunning. The

machine can be supplied with saw pulleys for 5 t" or 6" (140 or 1 52mm)

wide saws. The pulleys are secured on the taper seatings of large-diameter

shafts and heavy-duty spherical roller bearings in dust-proof housings are

fitted on each side of both pulleys.


ManufacturerStenner UK
ModelVHL 48
Stock NumberVHL48-1970